Not only WWI, but also the Middle Ages in touristic Ypres

Not only WWI, but also the Middle Ages in touristic Ypres

This plan sets out the lines for tourism in Ypres in the coming years. Alderman Desmadryl: “A number of things are in the pipeline for 2023 and 2024. As part of the storyline ‘The Great War’, the In Flanders Fields Museum will open the international exhibition ‘For Evermore. Cemeteries of the First World War’ at the end of April. expo will be the introductory exhibition of the large umbrella project ‘Het Landschap Getuigt’, a WWI theme year that runs from the end of April 2023 to the summer of 2024. The expo of the In Flanders Fields Museum will run until the spring break in 2024. ”


But since the centenary commemoration (2014-2018), Ypres Tourism has also been looking at the city’s more distant past. “A new storyline is Ypres as a ‘Medieval Great City’. This is one of the ways we want to broaden our tourist offer. The Yper Museum will respond to this in 2024 with a first major temporary exhibition around the Middle Ages,” said the aldermen. second major exhibition on a medieval theme. An annual medieval theme weekend is also being considered. Ypres is clearly more touristy than WWI.
