Not just any influencer, but a ‘car influencer’: watch the documentary Black & Yellow

Luke Tijssen (22) calls it a ‘hobby that got out of hand’: maintaining his striking black and yellow Volkswagen Scirocco and his Instagram followings of more than fifteen thousand people about that car. Four AUAS students made a documentary about the sober ‘car influencer’. Luke: “I don’t necessarily want to call myself that, I’m just someone who films his daily life a bit, and then I have a unique car.”

Luke, Instagram alias @Dutch_Rocco_R, is part of a wonderful world of young car enthusiasts where it’s all about seeing and being seen. So-called car influencers as he share via social media channels beautiful pictures of their increasingly impressive car. In addition, enthusiasts without their own car try to spot the popular and striking vehicles, to share again via their own social media account.

Luke himself also ensures that his pictures look great: “My photos have to meet a certain quality: the angleso the amount of the car that is on it, and the yellow of the car should not be too brown or orange, or too race-yellow. It should be a little ocher. So done with a good camera, not with phone shots from an iPhone 4 or something.”

Watch the documentary here, which was already shown on TV at NH on Friday. Makers: Jort van Ham, Ole Rasker, Orlando Sierhuis and Fleur de Jong.

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