“Not funny”: Mother Elon Musk responds to his nasty tweet about “dying under mysterious circumstances” | Ukraine-Russia War

Elon Musk is stirring up Twitter again with a reference to his possible death “under mysterious circumstances”. His tweet came after a message about the Tesla CEO that Dmitri Rogozin, the head of the Russian space agency, sent to Russian media, according to Musk. Musk’s mother quickly responded to her son’s sinister message: “That’s not funny”.

Read everything about the Russian invasion in this file.

“When I die under mysterious circumstances, it was nice to know you,” the CEO of Tesla and SpaceX tweeted our time early this morning. Just before that, he had sent out a message in Russian from Dmitri Rogozin, former deputy prime minister of Russia and a loyal ally of Vladimir Putin, including its translation into English.

“The testimony of the imprisoned commander of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel Dmitry Kormyankov, shows that the internet terminals of Elon Musk’s Starlink satellite company were sent by military helicopters to the militants of the Nazi Azov Battalion and the Ukrainian soldiers in Mariupol. delivered,” Rogozin wrote according to the translation.

“According to our information, the Starlink equipment was supplied by the Pentagon,” Rogozin added. “Thus, Elon Musk is involved in providing military communications equipment to the fascist armed forces in Ukraine. And for this, Elon, you will be called to account as an adult—however the fool you will be.” Elon Musk introduced the English translation with the quote: “The word ‘Nazi’ doesn’t mean what he apparently thinks it means”. And in a subsequent tweet he talked about “dying under mysterious circumstances”.

Maye Musk, the mother of the richest man on Earth, thought it was “not funny” that her son was talking about his possible death and she tweeted so. Elon responded with: “Sorry, I’ll do my best to stay alive”.

The Russians accuse Elon Musk of keeping the internet in Ukraine up with his Starlink satellites after the Russian invasion. Russia has been using the far-right Azov battalion to account for the war against Ukraine since its inception. Putin then speaks of the “denazification” of Ukraine. In June 2014, the Azov battalion managed to keep the port city of Mariupol out of the hands of Russian troops and pro-Russian rebels. It is a small regiment of an estimated 300 to 1,200 members, which have been officially part of the National Guard of Ukraine since 2014. It is a small group within the totality of the Ukrainian army that is 200,000 strong. According to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, much has changed since the Azov movement years ago operated only with volunteers and there is no longer any talk of Nazism within the regiment.

President Volodymyr Zelensky is also of Jewish descent. “How can a people that lost as many as 8 million lives in the fight against the Nazis support the Nazis?” he previously responded to Putin’s statements.
