Not a morning person? These are the benefits of getting up early

Several celebrities swear by getting up early, including Michelle Obama, Richard Brandson and Tim Cook. But why actually?

Morning person vs evening person

Some should not think about it; to get up early. Set the alarm for 7 a.m. (or earlier) while it’s still dark? I do not think so. The night owl prefers to enjoy the evening when everyone has already gone to bed and there is finally some time for yourself. Sleeping in, yes, that is the ideal rhythm for an evening person.

The morning person, on the other hand, prefers to crawl under the wool early, especially in the winter period when it gets dark earlier and is up early the next day to perhaps enjoy the sunrise and the silence before the world wakes up.

There is of course something to be said for both, especially since the world is set up for morning people. After all, most working hours start between eight and nine o’clock and sometimes even much earlier.

Just because you’re a morning or an evening person doesn’t mean you’ll be forever. A night person can become a morning person and a morning person an evening person.

The benefits of getting up early

Are you team evening person? Then you might want to consider getting up earlier more often. It has many advantages, according to various studies.

1. Fewer Negative Thoughts

A American research has proven that those who go to bed earlier and get up earlier are less troubled by negative thoughts.

2. Healthier body

Another research from America shows that evening people are more likely to eat more fast food and less fruit than morning people.

Morning people are more likely to have a lower BMI because they are less likely to skip breakfast, which reduces the chance of snacking during the day.

3. More successful at work

Harvard biologist Christoph Randler researched the link between getting up early and the degree of success. What turned out? Morning people appear to be more proactive than evening people. He looked at the success of the career, work performance and the level of the salary. Now you can of course ask yourself whether you only want to link success to your work, but it is certainly interesting.

4. Less Stress

Let’s be honest: being an evening person in a world that is mainly geared up for morning people sometimes entails quite a bit of stress.

Waking up just in time to take a quick shower and get into your clothes and then race to work. Getting up with plenty of time, knowing that you have all the time in the world, such as for your nice morning routine or a sports class is a lot less stressful. You’ve already spent half a day before you arrive at work. So maybe it’s worth a try.

This story previously appeared with our colleagues on
