Not a leader, but a mother for shelter: Riethoven joins forces

It’s started. A number of mothers from Riethoven have taken matters into their own hands and started alternative care for children on Monday. They fill the gap that arose because childcare organization Numbereen had stopped. The children are not sad about it. “It’s much more fun with mom, you can do more here.”

Also for Stefanie Antonis, mother of Faya (6) and Bo (8), it is an outcome that she is very happy with and which she could not have dreamed of a few weeks ago. Numbereen’s decision to stop after-school care after the May holiday due to, among other things, a shortage of staff, fell on the roof of Stefanie and many other parents. It gave her huge headaches. “Stress levels were skyrocketing.”

She was somewhat understanding of Numbereen’s decision, but mostly angry and sad. What about a full-time job when you have two children who need to be cared for, the Riethovense wondered desperately. She didn’t give up. After a cup of crying and a glass of wine with friends, Stefanie recovered.

“Everyone hated each other.”

Faster than expected, she and a number of other parents – and therefore fellow sufferers – managed to put their heads together. To come up with an alternative. And it came. Stefanie: “We are a small community. Everyone hated each other.”

The parents decided to solve the problem themselves. By putting themselves at number one, instructing all leaders to request a Statement of Conduct, create a WhatsApp group and create a folder with instructions.

This Monday afternoon, a first group of children, accompanied by a number of parents, including Eline de Groot and Stefanie. “Now I am in it myself, among others, I did not expect that. Not a leader for a group, but a mom. Emergency breaks the law”, Stefanie clarifies, smiling broadly.

Eline de Groot with three of the 'babysitting children' (photo: Imke van de Laar).
Eline de Groot with three of the ‘babysitting children’ (photo: Imke van de Laar).

The volunteers of the vegetable garden next to Sint Willibrordus primary school also wanted to contribute and let the children plant some strawberry plants first. Then, a little further on, in the decorated community center De Rietstek, the first children’s afternoon could start in a new style. The children immediately felt at home. One played the trumpet, the other started cutting and coloring, and a third was figuring out how to play a game on TV.

Children in the vegetable garden (photo: Imke van de Laar).
Children in the vegetable garden (photo: Imke van de Laar).

Stefanie and Eline enjoyed watching it. Their citizens’ initiative has been well received in Riethoven and beyond. People from surrounding places have already signed up to help and gain experience. Many hands make light work.

“We’re taking it step by step.”

However, there are still concerns. Until the end of this school year there are more than enough parents to take care of the children. Whether and what the reception will look like after the summer, however, is a big question. There is an entrepreneur who has serious plans, but she is still looking for a permanent location.

Stefanie: “I hope there will be a new after-school care after the summer holidays, but the chance is small. But we’ll take it step by step and see what this plan triggers.”

ALSO READ: Critical staff shortage in childcare: more than 500 vacancies
