Norway is also currently grinding in the men’s head – Armand Duplantis as coal

There are two very strong pole vaulters in codland. Sweden’s Duplantis is still number one in the Oslo Diamond League in bad weather. The towel in the stick was mixed with the pack.

Armand Duplantis, 22, dominates the men’s club in a familiar way. AOP

The man of the pole vault Armand Duplantis presented a price wish at a press conference at the Oslo Diamond League on Wednesday.

– There have been quite a few rallies this season in 2022 – I feel like I’m in good shape, but I’ve been unlucky in the races. I hope Thursday is a good weather so I can jump high, the Swede said.

In Oslo, the weather was as it usually is in Oslo: unstable and sturdy showers. The weather severely affected the weather race.

Still, Duplantis took its own season with a top score of 602.

– I will try to get the last pieces of the puzzle in place before the big dance at the Eugene World Cup.

The Swede got hot during the race after the race organizers had left a towel in the pit. Duplantis only noticed the mocha at the point when he tried a second time from a height of 592.

– A complete scandal, boiled the Duplantis manager Daniel Wessfeldt Expressenille.

The ME man got his new accomplishments, but pulled the water. The third attempt from a height of 592 was successful. Duplantis faned his performance violently. 602 men crossed first. The rain had broken before the top of the season. The Swede tried twice from a height of 610, but the performances remained limbo. Then he stopped playing.

The most dubious competitor and guy in the US Sam Kendricks was not present on Thursday. He arrived at the prestigious Bislett Stadium for a warm-up, but did not take part in the competition.

– He didn’t think it was worth jumping today. He has a knee problem and he runs much slower than usual. Sam should be fine by the time of the World Cup. His knee is getting better all the time, but at the moment it’s not good enough to compete. That’s why he retired, the Yankee manager Paul Doyle said to Expressen.

Norway is rough

Pål Lillefosse (pictured) is the Norwegian record holder with a score of 582. Jani Lehtonen SE is 582. imago sport

Norway is now a tough country in the face of men. Behind the doubles, the host country jumped to places 2-3 on Thursday Sondre Guttormsen (580) and Pål Lillefosse (with inferior protocol 580).

Lillefosse (b. 2001) set a new Norwegian record of 585 earlier this season. The result is the fourth best this season. Guttormsen’s (1999) record of 581 is the seventh best this season.

Duplantis has taken note of the development of cod in men and knows how to be vigilant.

– Without the competition I had with Sam Kendricks, I would not have developed to the level where I am today. That’s why I’m glad the Norwegians are pushing each other forward, Duplantis comments.
