North side Emmermeer is waiting for a mega facelift: renovation and new construction of 200 homes

These will therefore be fleshed out in more detail in the coming years. According to a spokesperson for Domesta, the housing corporation has purchased 10,000 square meters of land at Valtherzandweg, Valtherlaan and Warmeerweg from their colleagues at Lefier.

Details about the exact layout of the new building are not yet known. “We are still in the design phase. In any case, we want to move towards a varied offer that suits the neighborhood and the green environment.” The intention is that the existing greenery is spared as much as possible.

The neighborhood will be informed as soon as there is a concrete plan. The spokesperson expects that this will probably not happen again before this year. “Until the expected construction in 2025, we are still fully engaged in the development process and planning.”

What is already known is that Wender’s women’s shelter is moving to Emmermeer. It is still located in the Bargeres district, where they currently rent their spaces from Domesta. In the previously published press release at the time, there was talk about homes that Wender will be allocated.

It now appears to be a separate building, confirm both the corporation and Wender himself. According to regional manager Imar van der Ark of the latter agency, the new location will accommodate 24 clients.

In addition to women’s shelters, Wender also offers crisis shelter and forms of sheltered housing. The housing types are located at three locations within Bargeres. “Two of these locations are now quite dated and no longer meet modern standards,” explains Van der Ark.

The women’s shelter currently consists of a converted housing block containing five homes. “Clients cannot retreat to their own space at this location. While this should be according to the applicable guidelines.”

Wender raised the problem with both the municipality and Domesta. The latter then proposed the solution in Emmermeer.

That offers some solace, but Wender is not there yet, says Van der Ark. “New places to live are a must for more clients. Moreover, we see an increase in the number of clients and the problems (psychological, addictions, ed.).” Wender regularly meets with the municipality to discuss this trend. Because actually more or a new space is necessary, according to Van der Ark.
