North Netherlands Orchestra live on RTV Drenthe

Maestro Hartmut Haenchen is from this season permanent guest conductor with the Noord Nederlands Orkest (NNO). A great honour, because with his long track record, Haenchen can be counted among the great maestros. His relationship with the NNO will be confirmed in November.

Verdi’s Requiem is one of the most impressive experiences you can have in a concert hall: a Mass for the Dead, but written by a composer who has been driving his audience frantic for years with operas. The Italian church therefore thought that Verdi had gone too far. Now you can only be happy that this music was made.

The concert can be followed online on November 10 from 8:15 pm via our app and website. On Sunday afternoon 20 November at 13.00 and 15.00 the concert will be broadcast again on television on TV Drenthe.
