North Koreans unfortunately Kim Jong-un wants the product to be “exponential” too high North Korea

Unfortunately, in North Korea, Kim Jong-un wants to lose the product of nuclear power “exponentially”. This is the result of a bid from the Volksvergadering. North Korea has its status as a nuclear state and has a vast majority in the country.

The North Korean Persbureau KCNA reports from tomorrow on the new development. Kim Jong-un wants to diversify. Hij gaf also aan dat hij de “militaire alliantie” tussen de VS, Zuid-Korea en Japan ziet as “de biggest bedreiging op this moment”. The gangs want to join forces with states who are fighting against the “hegemony” of the VS in the West.


A year of experience in North Korea – from 2006 to 2017 when nuclear testing was carried out – a new doctrine of the status as a nuclear power “onomkeerbaar” maakt en the land makes om a preventive atoomaanval uit te voeren in het geval van een bedreiging voor zijn regime. The doctrine also states that it prevents the use of nuclear weapons.

“Historical beurtenis”

Now the People’s Vergadering is still in the process of getting the nuclear status in the country’s vast territory. “This is a historical example, a powerful policy that has boomed in the national defense capacity in an operational manner that has been reinforced,” said Kim, following the agency of the KCNA.


“The insult to the nuclear power of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea has become permanent as the foundation of the state,” said Kim Jong Un, unfortunately. Hij voegde eraan toe that het “no one is toegestaan ​​om de wet van de staat met voeten te treden”.

Noord-Korea has its own coat of arms for the year, after which the operations with the United States and the South-Korea region are drawn together. Waarnemer’s previous report from Pyongyang was also a core project in the first half of 2017.

American soldiers from North Korea were overstaked, deported and taken to Hechtenis
