North Korea vuurt ballistic missile towards Japanse Zee: “Serious provocatie”, Zegt Seoul | Buitenland

updatesNorth Korea had in the night van Zaterdag op Zondag a number of identical ballistic missiles launched in the direction of the Oostzee, also known as the Japanse Zee. De Zuid-Koreaanse autoriteiten en de Japanse kustwacht report dit.

Het leger van Zuid-Korea reports that the rocket is a distance of 600 kilometers away and a distance of 60 kilometers. Seoul speaks of a “serious provocation” for North Korea and shows the same works with the American military force. Volgens de Japanse kustwacht is the projectel neergekomen in zee, built in dehnenoemde Japanse economic zone.

The spaningen in the region of the name of that year toe near Pyongyang and a record of all the weapons tests had been carried out with rockets that could be dragged from the nucleus. Recently, the Noord-Koreaanse parliament has not yet received a warning about the nuclear offense. De wet paalt not all that core weapons indicated can be up to a chance of vijandige mogendheden, but also to a drastic chance of suffering from the land.


Are there any mistakes in the top tussen of the US in North Korea, in February 2019 in Vietnam, citten de onderhandelingen tussen both end up in the slop.

De lancering van het ongeïdentificeerde projectiel door Noord-Korea volgt grande dagen op de aankomst van een Amerikaans vliegdekschip in de Zuid-Koreaanse havenstad Busan. That ship, USS Ronald Reagan, is in the region of van routes military oefeningen om Noord-Korea mee af te schrikken. Het is voor het first in bijna vijf jaar dat en Amerikaans vliegdekschip in Zuid-Korea.

The next week will also be vice president of America Kamala Harris on the other side of Tokyo and Seoul on the program.

Are there any mistakes in the top tussen of the US in North Korea, in February 2019 in Vietnam, citten de onderhandelingen tussen both end up in the slop.


Het is Noord-Korea verboden om tests uit te voeren met ballistic missiles, according to UN resolutions. Sommige van die rockets can Kernkoppen Dragen. Maar in June nog schoot Noord-Korea eight Korteafstandsrakette vanop Zeker four disappearing locations direction Zee. He also reports that North Korea is working on the launching of a ballistic missile from a foreign sea.
