North Korea lays down status of nuclear state vast in Grondwet | North Korea

North Korea has its status as a vast nuclear state in the country. This is reported to the North Korean Persbureau KCNA donderdagochtend.

“Het beleid om de nucleaire kracht van de Democraticische Volksrepubliek Korea op te bouwen has permanently become de fundamentele wet van de staat,” said Kim Jong Un aan na een bijeenkomst van de Volksvergadering. Hij voegde eraan toe that het “no one is toegestaan ​​om de wet van de staat met voeten te treden”.

A year from North Korea, from 2006 to 2017, the nuclear test had been completed, a new doctrine on the status as a nuclear power “onomkeerbaar” maakt en the land power om a preventive atoomaanval uit te voeren in het geval van een bedreiging for this regime. The doctrine also states that it prevents the use of nuclear weapons.

“Historical beurtenis”

Now the People’s Vergadering has a step in the direction of the nuclear status in the country’s vast territory. “This is a historical example, a powerful policy that has boomed in the national defense capacity in an operational manner that has been reinforced,” said Kim, following the agency of the KCNA.

Noord-Korea has its own arms in this year’s operation, the third part of the operation with the United States and the South-Korea region is also a team. Waarnemer’s previous report from Pyongyang was also a core project in the first half of 2017.

Beeld van de negende Volksvergadering van North-Korea. Beeld van gisteren. © via REUTERS
