North Korea fires ballistic missile towards sea again Abroad

North Korea has fired another ballistic missile toward the Sea of ​​Japan. That’s what the general staff of the South Korean army says. The Japanese coast guard also previously reported a possible ballistic missile. The launch happened just hours after the United States warned of new North Korean nuclear tests.

According to the South Korean army, Pyonyang fired the missile from a submarine or from an underwater platform off the coast of the port city of Sinpo. It would be a short-range missile. Projectiles fired from the water are harder to detect.

United Nations resolutions prohibit North Korea from testing ballistic missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.

North Korea has tested several missiles since the beginning of the year, including a long-range missile. North Korea also tested a ballistic missile last Wednesday, according to South Korea and Japan, which flew 780 kilometers into space before landing in the sea. Exactly what type it was, remained shrouded in mystery.

Pyongyang has been subject to severe international sanctions as a result of its nuclear weapons program.
