North Korea confirms ballistic missile launch on January 30, 2022

Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea confirmed the launch of a medium-range ballistic missile on Sunday, January 30 this year. This was reported by the Yonhap news agency.

As noted, the Hwasong-12 rocket was launched.

On Sunday morning, the Japan Coast Guard warned of a possible ballistic missile launch by North Korea. This was also reported by representatives of the Ministry of Defense of Japan. A little later, information appeared about a possible fall of the projectile. Vessels at sea have been advised not to approach suspicious objects and exercise caution. RIA News.

Since the beginning of 2022, this is already the seventh DPRK arms test. Before that, on January 5 and 11, hypersonic missiles were launched, on January 14, Pyongyang tested two short-range ballistic missiles, on January 17, two short-range tactical guided missiles, on January 25, cruise missiles, on January 27, a tactical guided missile of the “surface- land”.

More news on the topic – on the media platform “Looking”.


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