North Korea calls Joe Biden ‘senile’ | North Korea

“Such irresponsible comments can only come from a descendant of the Yankees, masters of aggression and conspiracy,” it said in an official statement from KCNA. “We might conclude that there is a problem with his intellectual ability. These irresponsible comments are evidence of the carelessness of an old, senile man (…) The future of the United States looks bleak with such a weak figure in power.”

Pyongyang has previously expressed support for the Russian invasion of Ukraine. They blame the US for being the root of the current conflict.

It is not uncommon for the regime to use foul language towards foreign leaders. Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, was also called “senile” and “mentally deranged” by North Korea. Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye has been labeled “a witch” and “a cunning prostitute”.
