North Holland rowers Clevering and Meester take first World Cup plaque in 44 years

Rowers Ymkje Clevering and Veronique Meester have won a silver medal in the two-without. They came second at the World Championships in Czech Racing. It was the first time in 44 (!) years that the Netherlands won a medal in this part at the World Cup.

Halfway through, the duo with Amsterdam Clevering and Meester (Loosdrecht) was fourth, but they passed the British and Americans. They came close to New Zealand. They turned out to be the strongest, just like in 2019, the last time. They already took bronze at the European Championships last month. The last two-less medal at the World Championships was won in 1978 by Joke Dierdorp and Karin Abma.

The four-with-three rowers won a surprising silver medal. Benthe Boonstra and Hermijntje Drenth (Amsterdam), the Amstelveen Tinka Offereins and Marloes Oldenburg dropped briefly to fourth place. In the end she overtook Australia and they were second behind Great Britain.

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The entire Amsterdam quartet: Nika Vos, Tessa Dullemans, Ilse Kolkman and Bente Paulis also took second place. They were well behind Great Britain and China, but fought back well. The British were still overtaken, only China proved unbeatable. So it stayed with silver.

The brothers Rienks, Rik and Ralf, Sander de Graaf and Ruben Knab had to settle for bronze. Australia took the silver and the British were the winner. The Amsterdam foursome had won silver last month. The men’s doubles came in fourth.

The Amsterdam Martine Veldhuis already won silver in the light scull yesterday.
