Nordic Combined Schonach Women: Live Ticker – HS 106, 5km


Will it make the top ten again?

For the Austrians, it’s once again about taking a good result to the season finale. The top ten should certainly be within the realms of possibility for Annalena Slamik and Lisa Hirner.


The German starters

In the German team, it should again be Jenny Nowak and Maria Gerboth who are in the running for top results. With Cindy Haasch it is important how she gets the chance, because she is really good on the cross-country ski run. The same applies to Nathalie Armbruster, who was the second fastest starter in cross-country skiing yesterday, but was too far behind on the hill. Sophia Maurus and Magdalena Burger complete the DSV team.


World Cup already decided

The World Cup has already been decided and Gyda Westvold Hansen has secured the big crystal globe of the overall winner with a big lead. Something else could happen behind it. Ida Marie Hagen is second with 361 points, but could still be caught by her pursuers Ema Volavsek and Anju Nakamura. She is 42 points ahead of Saturday’s winner.


Are the Japanese striking again?

With their great performance on Saturday, the Japanese have of course also positioned themselves for today’s final day. Anju Nakamura is considered to be a weaker jumper, but on the difficult cross-country ski run in Schonach yesterday she made up a splendid 58 seconds in just a few kilometers. If she also starts in this area today, everything should be possible. For her part, Haruka Kasai can convince with strong jumps and a good running form.


First defeat for Westvold Hansen

The fans in Schonach experienced a big surprise on Saturday. Series winner Gyda Westvold Hansen had positioned herself after the jumping and started the cross-country skiing as third. But problems quickly arose there. the Norwegian was able to catch up with the leading duo, but only tried to get away late and when the enormously strong skier Anju Nakamura rushed up from behind and put pressure on, Westvold Hansen had to unbuckle his skis completely exhausted. Hansen had recently been infected with Corona, which is why she also missed the Junior World Championships in Poland. Nakamura clinched the victory with an extremely strong running performance ahead of her teammate Haruka Kasai, who made it onto the podium right away in the first World Cup.



Hello and welcome to the final Nordic Combined competition of this season. At 10:00 a.m. we start the jumping passage.
