Nordic Combined: Julian Schmid in the top ten after jumping

Status: 04.12.2022 10:48 a.m

At the Nordic Combined World Cup in Lillehammer, Julian Schmid is seventh after the jump as the best DSV athlete and has good chances of a podium.

After his jump of 130.5 meters, Julian Schmid still has every chance of a place on the podium. The man from Oberstdorf, who had to hand over the yellow jersey to Jarl Magnus Riiber the day before, is 1:24 minutes behind the Norwegian dominator of recent years in the final 10 km run. Riiber, the leader, jumped 140 meters and is about to win his 52nd World Cup. The 25-year-old is 16 seconds ahead of Austrian Mario Seidl, Jens Luraas Oftebro (NOR) is 28 seconds behind in third place.

Good team effort

In addition to Schmid, the other German combined athletes also have a chance of a place on the podium. Manuel Faißt is twelfth after jumping, one place behind is Johannes Rydzek, and behind him Vinzenz Geiger is in 14th place. Will the Olympic champion manage to catch up like the day before? On Saturday (December 3rd) the man from the Allgäu made it from 18th place to the podium. Geiger is 1:43 minutes behind Riiber.

Further down are Jakob Lange, Fabian Rießle and Tristian Sommerfeldt. They hold positions 30, 40 and 41.

Cross-country skiing starts at 2.45 p.m.

The sports show with the long winter sports Sunday. Among others, the combined, the alpine and the biathletes are in demand.
