Noordenveld houses Ukrainian refugees at the Norger campsite

The municipality of Noordenveld will receive refugees from Ukraine at the Molenduin campsite in Norg. This concerns a stay for a maximum of sixty people for a period of one year, with an option to extend for another year. The municipality announced this in a letter to residents of the recreational accommodation.

The refugees come to Norg around New Year’s Eve, where there are fifteen chalets for housing. Noordenveld is continuously looking for reception locations for Ukrainian refugees, emphasizes councilor Alex Wekema (PvdA/GroenLinks).

The houses at the Norger campsite are extra welcome because the care at the Fletcher Hotel in Roden will stop on January 1. From here, refugees were previously transferred to residential locations at the municipal yard and the former Hopmans veterinary practice.

The municipality will soon provide an explanation of the reception plans during an information meeting for residents of Molenduin. The campsite owners and a delegation from the municipality, including Alderman Wekema, are present. The meeting will be on Monday evening, November 27, in Bospaviljoen De Norgerberg.
