Noora Fagerström’s evening, who made it to the Parliament, ended in karaoke late in the morning: “It was a good time to celebrate”

An entrepreneur familiar with the deal was shocked by his performance.

Jaajo Linnonmaa is a well-known entrepreneur in the Diili program as an advisor Noora Fagerström (kok) was elected to parliament from the constituency of Uusimaa with more than 6,500 votes.

Reached on Monday morning, Fagerström says that the passing was celebrated late into the night at a karaoke restaurant in the center of Helsinki.

– Karaoke was sung in Wallis until three o’clock. So, yes, this was properly celebrated. It was such an intense election spring that it was nice to celebrate with the campaign team and have some sparkling wine, Fagerström says.

How do you feel about the passage?

– I have to say that I am confused. Really cool feeling. We were excited until the very end. It feels incredible now.

Noora Fagerström took a selfie with Elina Valtonen during the election night. PASI LEISMA

According to Fagerström, he will go to work in parliament emphasizing three themes that he already spoke about during his campaign.

– I want more actions for families. More resources need to be found there. The mental health of young people must also be fixed. And as a third theme, I focus on the issues of entrepreneurs. Economic growth starts with companies and there are a lot of gaps that need to be fixed.

Fagerström does not have a strong opinion on which he would rather have the coalition join the government, Perussuomalaiset or the SDP.

– This is a very good question. It depends a lot on who agrees to be more flexible. With basic Finns, we have different opinions on work-related immigration and climate policy, with Democrats we disagree on economic issues, says Fagerström.

Noora Fagerström passed handsomely in Uusimaa. Elle Laitila

Fagerström, who is known as the founder of the Jungle Juice Bar company, says that even though the election night dragged on late, he plans to organize another party in honor of the passage.

– We have already agreed with the core group of the campaign that we will go to spend a cottage weekend. Not quite yet, of course, but a little later.

Fagerström plans to recover from campaign work for the rest of the week in the north. Work as an MP starts next week.

– We will go to Levi with the family and spend Easter there, he says.
