Noora Fagerström broke her hand before filming

Noora Fagerström stepped into Diil’s first management team with anger.

Noora Fagerström broke her hand just before filming began. Henri Kärkkäinen

Familiar advisors, an entrepreneur and an angel investor will be seen during the fresh Deal season starting at the end of March Noora Fagerström as well as brand strategy, creative leader Toni Lähde.

– I love good ideas and concepts. Everyone has ideas, but it’s about who can bring their ideas to the finish line! I really expected a lot from the season, Source says, referring to the season described in the fall looking for a “super entrepreneur”.

Both advisers have remembered the beginning of the season in particular.

– Noora immediately took the slack off in the management team and that feeling went all the way, Lähde chuckles.

– The day before the shots, I fell on the bike and broke my right hand. I was really angry and it was reflected in the management team, Fagerström continues.

Anyway, the management team was reportedly tighter now than last season.

Toni Lähde says that this season’s Dealers had done well at home. Henri Kärkkäinen

The advisors are the assistants of the Diil host, Jaaja Linnonmaa. In the main lines, they are said to be generally quite similar to Linnonmaa.

– The two of us come from different ends and see things differently. Jaajo is then in between and wonders how the matter should be interpreted.

“Then there will be in-depth discussions and a common view,” says Fagerström.

The source adds that the program may not see how long the discussions behind decisions are usually.

– Although the program has a big entertaining element, it also has everything in a miniature that is really trying, says Source.

– This season, competitors were better prepared than before. They knew what to look out for and what to look for, Fagerström says.

– Homework was done, Source sums up.

Deal starting on Thursday 31 March at 8pm at Nelonen. See all TV programs and broadcast times in Telku’s TV guide.
