Nocturnal bells cause discord in Enkhuizen: “You can complain about anything”

An unknown number of residents of Enkhuizen say they are bothered by the night-time bells in the city and have started a petition. The initiators, who wish to remain anonymous, propose limiting noise between eleven o’clock in the evening and seven o’clock in the morning. The plan is disappointing to many other residents. “It’s part of the city,” said an older man who has lived right next to the Zuiderkerk for years. “Yes, even at night.”

Residents of Enkhuizen are bothered by night-time chimes and have started a petition – NH News

Centuries-old tradition

The bells have been rung at night in Enkhuizen since 1650. “It also provides a kind of security,” says Harry Groot of the Enkhuizer Glockenspiel Association. “When the bells played, you knew: someone was watching over you. Because there used to be a fire watch on the tower. And to indicate that the man had not fallen asleep, he had to ring the bell every fifteen minutes. “

“You can complain about anything”

Resident in the city center of Enkhuizen

A tour of some passers-by in the city center quickly gives the impression that those who want to leave everything the same are by far the majority. “You can complain about anything,” says a lady who claims she is prepared to tie herself to the church tower to prevent the complainants from getting their way. “Of course people lie awake at night. Because they have to go to the toilet, or because they just had an argument with their partner. But because of the carillon? No.”

Not much support so far

Since the petition has only received thirteen signatures after a day of being online, it seems that the initiators will not get their way very quickly. However, a number of local residents have a tip for those who cannot sleep. “If you want to live in a quiet area, you have to insulate your house,” suggests Harry Groot. “Or sit somewhere else. Maybe at the North Pole?”

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