Nocturia: the symptom of going to the bathroom at night

The nocturia It is defined as the need to wake up to urinate at least twice a night. It is estimated that three out of five people over the age of 70 suffer from this inconvenience, although it can also occur at younger ages, and it affects men and women equally.

Specialists recognize two possible origins of the problem. On the one hand, the decrease in the capacity of the bladder. Or also, on the other hand, a greater production of urine, which is known in medicine as polyuria. This can be caused by various anatomical alterations: in men, the most common is that it is due to a benign prostatic hypertrophyand in women, to obesity and pelvic organ prolapse.

With regard to polyuria, experts believe that nocturnal urine production usually decreases due to the action of antidiuretic hormone, but as age advances, the release of this substance is reduced at night and nocturia is usually be more usual Increased fluid intake at night and consumption of caffeine, alcohol or tobacco is one of the main causes, although various diseases can also cause them.

There are also medications that cause these symptoms, regardless of the age of the person. Diuretics, anticholinergic, high blood pressure remedies, antidepressants, and lithiuma drug used to treat bipolar disorder, are medications that can alter the frequency of urination at night.

The need to wake up to urinate regularly affects both men and women.

“The management of nocturia must be considered individually, since many factors influence it. Reduce fluid intake 4 to 6 hours before bedtime, avoid alcohol and caffeine at night, quit smoking, and lose weight if overweight. It is also advisable to urinate before going to bed and do pelvic floor exercises. And if you suffer from fluid retention in your legs, it’s a good idea to raise them a few hours before nightfall,” he suggested. Ana Isabel Cobo Cuencatenured professor at the University of Castilla la Macha (UCLM)to BBC World.

“If the nocturia is caused by a medical condition, such as diabetes or heart disease, treating it properly can reduce symptoms. It is important to continue the controls with the primary care health professionals”, he clarified. Antonio Sampietro Crespo, medical specialist in urology, Health Service of Castilla-La Mancha and concluded: “Schedules for pharmacological, diuretic, and angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors should be modified. But before you should first consult with health professionals to minimize side effects.

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