Nobel Peace Prize winner Muratov: Putin is harming Russia

MOSCOW (dpa-AFX) – Nobel Peace Prize winner Dmitri Muratow has warned of serious consequences for Russia because of the attack on neighboring Ukraine. “(President Vladimir) Putin has done irreparable damage to his country,” Muratov told the BBC in Moscow. On February 24, Russia’s future was stolen, said the editor-in-chief of Novaya Gazeta, a newspaper critical of the Kremlin. “Our peace-loving Russian people will now feel the hatred of the world. Because we started World War III in the heart of Europe.” “Novaya Gazeta” was published on Friday with a bilingual title in Russian and Ukrainian. “Because we don’t recognize Ukraine as an enemy and Ukrainian not as the enemy’s language. And we will never recognize that,” Muratov said, according to the newspaper./bvi/DP/zb
