Noa Vahle receives support after nepobaby criticism: ‘Eva Jinek is sour!’

Noa Vahle receives encouraging reactions after Eva Jinek’s observation that she is currently the country’s most talked about ‘fake baby’. “Don’t be fooled by sour ditch witches!”


Noa Vahle’s Instagram page was in the news this week, because it went off the air exactly when her mother Linda de Mol confessed that she is trying again with her controversial lover Jeroen Rietbergen. She was rumored to want to avoid Linda haters, but Noa told Today Inside that it was a technical glitch.


Noa is now back on Instagram and a look at her page shows that it is quite there juicy goes to. For example, there have been nasty reactions to Eva Jinek for weeks. Reactions that have not been removed by Noa. And removing mean comments is just about the favorite hobby of many celebrities.

Where do those angry reactions about Eve come from? The presenter has said in her talk show that Noa is ‘the ultimate Dutch fake baby’. “What nepobaby is about is that it’s these coveted places, hard to get into, closed bastions and if you have a parent who’s in there, it’s a completely different world.”

‘Sour Jinek!’

Noa’s fans can’t appreciate Eva’s nepotism accusations. “Just read that message from that sour Jinek,” says Nico, for example. “The fact that your mother is Linda de Mol does not detract from your talent and so what if a door opens easier for once? You still have to do it afterwards and you did it fantastically.”

Nico supports Noa in this matter. “Keep it up and don’t be fooled by sour ditch witches who also force things by using their appearance (NOS Journaal long ago).”

Eva uses the ‘boobies’ she got from her mother, Noa the golden wheelbarrow she got from her mother. It comes down to the same thing, says this Nico.


Nellie, another follower of Noa, thinks Eva is just jealous. “Eva Jinek cannot accept that everyone likes her, the daughter of Linda de Mol.”

Elly says: “Jinek is getting more sour by the day!”

“Yes,” agrees Annette.

And Lady Scotty: “Eva Jinek jealous?”

‘Quite right!’

Noa’s follower Barbara also has absolutely no problem with nepotism. “Very right, Noa. You’re doing great, so why not take advantage of an opportunity. Everyone in Hilversum did that if they got the chance. Look, they want to accuse the De Mol family of everything every time, but that is so unjustified!”

She continues: “The credits of programs show that many children of famous people have been helped to get jobs or through roles in series or in Children for Children. Noa and Johnny are just very nice people. And yes, jealousy soon rears its head.”


The Instagram post with the angry comments about Eva that were not deleted by Noa:
