No violation: Gerhard Schröder may remain in the SPD

Gerhard Schröder (SPD) at an event in December 2021

Ex-Chancellor Gerhard Schröder (SPD) in front of a portrait of today’s Chancellor Photo: dpa

By Daniel Puskepeleitis

Ex-chancellor, gas lobbyist and Putin buddy Gerhard Schröder (78) will NOT be expelled from the SPD!

The party’s arbitration commission ruled on Monday in Hanover that Schröder “is not guilty of violating the party rules, since no violation can be proven,” as the comrades write in their justification.

17 local and district associations have applied for Schröder’s expulsion from the party because he is damaging the SPD with his attitude to the war of aggression in Ukraine and his posts in Russian state-owned companies. Comrades from seven associations, including those in Heidelberg, Essen, Berlin and Wathlingen, traveled to justify their demands in oral proceedings.

For two and a half hours they presented their arguments behind closed doors before the Arbitration Commission.

Only Schröder’s white chair remained empty: neither he nor his lawyer was present in the Kurt Schumacher House.


Gerhard Schröder SPD Ukraine War Vladimir Putin
