No university needs this AStA!

Although a man at the FU Berlin is said to have repeatedly sexually harassed women, the ASta warned against calling the police for help Photo: picture alliance / Schoening

Although a man is said to have repeatedly sexually harassed women at the FU Berlin, the ASta warns against calling the police for help (symbol image) Photo: picture alliance / Schoening Photo: dpa

By Julian Loevenich

At the FU Berlin, a man is said to have repeatedly sexually harassed women. Nevertheless, the ASta warned against calling the police for help. A comment from BZ editor Julian Loevenich.

No university needs this AStA!

Actually, the general student committee should work for its students. At the Free University, however, he advises women who are victims of sexual harassment and violence not to call the police.

They should call the university security service instead. The reason: If the police come, it sometimes leads to violence.

So instead of encouraging affected fellow students to confide in the police, the AStA leads a totally unfortunate discussion about police violence at the expense of the women.

Of course you can talk about police violence – but what does that have to do with the remit of the student committee?

And this discussion has absolutely nothing to do with sexual violence. It also raises doubts about the basic suitability of the AStA, whether it is committed to tasks for which it was elected.


Free University of Berlin students
