No UEFA salary cap – financial sustainability instead of fair play

Quote from Noergelgnome

So either I’m misunderstanding something here, or UEFA has finally capitulated to the big players.
If the new regulation provides “simply a maximum of 70% of the income for salaries” instead of any other limits, then the clubs can simply catapult the income to theoretically infinite heights.
Then ManCity or PSG no longer have to trick to disguise the external financing, as in the recent past.

I think that the term “successor to the FFP” is extremely unfavorable and means more of an extension of the previous rules than replacing them with the 70% limit.

(It has to be like that, otherwise Kahn’s hope of “slowing the rise” would not just be naïve, but downright ridiculous.)

The clubs with Sugar Daddy behind them can do whatever they want anyway.

Check out PSG’s Neymar deal.

The official rule is that in LaLiga the player has to draw and pay his release clause.
Accordingly, Qatar “negotiated” an advertising deal for the WM22 and as a reward then gave Neymar the money for drawing the clause, whereby he was allowed to keep the difference (I think he received a total of 300 million from Qatar, 222 million then went for the clause on it).
Being clubless he was then graciously admitted to PSG who happen to be sponsored by Qatar and owned by Qatar Sports Investments.
A rogue who puts one and one together.

But, that’s how it’s always been. Listen to interviews about football in its pre-professional days, back then there was a change from player XY to clubs, anyway, a washing machine for the wife and a new car. Then it all went hand in hand. That’s why the DFB eventually gave in and legalized the whole capitalist fuss. It was mouschelt anyway, without end.

If you build an upper limit today, you have to look carefully where it should be.
If it is too high, it is obsolete anyway.
If it is too low, the top clubs wonder what to do with all the money generated. Then they just buy villas and cars that they “lend” to players who play for them. Or just washing machines, for the wife!
A percentage limit, as you have already written, doesn’t help much either. Then the next advertising deal comes from Quatar or a subsidiary and the border is bypassed.

The problem is, the money is there (!) and the “rich kids” have the assets to afford the smartest and best financial jugglers and lawyers who can find a loophole. That’s how it happened at ManCity, where UEFA even had to consult one of the lawyers involved because there was no other adequate expertise on the subject!
