No trace of logic in the climate stickers

The climate stickers want to protect the environment, but they don't act logically, says BZ editor Stefan Peter

The climate stickers want to protect the environment, but they also punish the wrong people, says BZ editor Stefan Peter Photo: Sven Meissner

By Stephen Peter

They also stuck to the asphalt on Thursday, this time also blocking BVG buses. A comment from BZ editor Stefan Peter.

Do the radical climate glues still not have enough? Supposedly they fight for the environment – but punish people who use public transport.

This idiocy could also be recognized by the so-called “last generation”. But that probably doesn’t matter to the climate stickers. As obviously the bad accident of the cyclist who got under the concrete mixer.

The exact circumstances have not yet been clarified. But the mere suspicion that the traffic jams provoked by the troops led to delays in the rescue should at least result in the suspension of further actions.

But this doomsday sect obviously cannot be dealt with using logic!


climate activists
