No Tadic, Pavlidis or Brobbey: amateur Van der Linden top scorer cup tournament

With four goals, Floris van der Linden from Ouderkerk aan de Amstel has become the top scorer of the KNVB cup tournament. The striker plays for Spakenburg in the second division. “Very cool! I’ve had a lot of messages and it’s super fun to see who has achieved it all, says Van der Linden.

With his four goals, he therefore stays ahead of the strikers of Ajax, AZ, PSV and Feyenoord. “If you had asked me in advance, I would have said that it would have been very ambitious”, Van der Linden looks back.

He does not receive a cup or reward for the top scorer title. The KNVB says they never do that. He told ESPN yesterday that he thought it was a shame, because now he has nothing to ever show his grandchildren. “Fortunately, there are images of it. So let’s show the images,” says Van der Linden.

The performance of the North Hollander is not unique, by the way. It has happened a number of times before that an amateur football player has become the top scorer of the cup tournament.

Via Velsen-Zuid and Haarlem to Spakenburg

Van der Linden started playing football at VV Spirit in his native village. In 2016 he entered professional football and played two seasons for Telstar. That was not really a success and in 2018 he went to play for Koninklijke HFC in the second division. From 2020 he will play for Spakenburg and he will remain there until the summer of 2024.
