No school-free in Berlin – BVG also drives during mega warning strikes

Berlin gets a time-limited 29-euro ticket for local transport.  It should only be valid within the city from October to December and only be available as a subscription

The BVG is also at the start on Monday Photo: picture alliance/dpa

From BZ/dpa

In Berlin, schoolchildren are not allowed to stay at home on Monday despite the warning strike.

“The BVG is still in service with its subways, buses and trams. In this respect, compulsory schooling also applies in principle on Mondays in Berlin,” said the spokesman for the education administration, Martin Klesmann, on Friday on request.

“Most elementary school students live in the catchment area of ​​their school anyway, which means short legs, short distances.”

In Baden-Württemberg and Bavaria, compulsory attendance is lifted on Monday if schoolchildren cannot come to school due to a strike. The Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe (BVG) are not directly affected by the warning strike. A separate collective agreement applies to the BVG, which is currently not being negotiated.

Traffic in Germany is to be completely paralyzed next Monday. The unprecedented warning strike includes long-distance, regional and S-Bahn traffic on the rails, many German airports, waterways and ports as well as motorways. The railway and transport union (EVG) and Verdi are fighting for more income in different collective bargaining rounds.


BVG school students strike Verdi warning strike
