No research into video Acid about Reuzegommers

No research into video Acid about Reuzegommers

In response to the ruling in the Sanda Dia case, the student who died after a student baptism in 2018, about the punishments of some members of student club Reuzengom, Acid made a video.

In that video, the Blankenberg YouTuber lashes out at some Reuzengommers and mentions them by name. After publication, there was a lot of commotion, with both negative and positive reactions. The video was quickly removed from YouTube, but quickly circulated on other social media channels such as TikTok and Twitter.

No sequel

The lawyers of the Reuzengommers reject the video, but in all probability will not file a lawsuit, and the public prosecutor of West Flanders will therefore not follow up on the video.
