No problems during Yserwake, but a heavy blow to the city council of Ypres

No problems during Yserwake, but a heavy blow to the city council of Ypres

The Yserwake went off without a hitch. There were no counter-demonstrations or emergence of neo-Nazi groups. The fear of this fear was great, after the city of Ypres banned the Frontnacht festival after all because there were bands on the posters that have ties to neo-Nazism and neo-fascism. Frontnacht was supposed to take place last night, the night before the Yserwake.

The chairman of the Yserwake, Wim De Wit, gave stinging criticism of the city council of Ypres. He confirmed that Frontnacht will go to the Council of State for compensation. “Ypres gives in to the woke community and the extreme left. We first got a permit, but once they are under pressure, they withdraw it.”

Claiming costs incurred from city council

“It is also unthinkable for us that neo-Nazi groups will have a forum on this meadow. There are still questions to be asked about the ban that has now been announced,” said De Wit. “But we will certainly challenge this unjust decision before the Council of State with a procedure on the merits. Afterwards we can recover the costs incurred from the city government”.

Quiet weekend

“Actually, it remained quiet throughout the weekend. There were no incidents on either Saturday or Sunday,” said the Arro Ypres police zone. According to the police, there were between 1,000 and 1,500 visitors at the Yserwake. The organization speaks of more than 3,000 visitors. Police have been monitoring the situation and have also scanned social media for any signs of trouble in recent days.

The Yserwake was first organized more than 20 years ago by the radical Flemish movement in response to the too soft course of the Yser pilgrimage to the Ysertoren in Diksmuide. The meeting has since been organized on the meadow at the monument of the brothers Van Raemdonck in Steenstrat
