No one gets lost during the Tour of North Holland, thanks to volunteers

In this episode of the series champions take a look at the preparations for the Tour of North Holland. The cycling classic was held for the 49th time last Saturday. On the day prior to the event, presenter Sibel Önemli follows trail leader Fred Middelburg and pillar Adrie Nilessen while setting out the route. A big job, because the total route is more than 260 km long.

Fred and Sibel for the road map – NH

Volunteer Fred Middelburg (75) has been preparing for the event for months. As a course leader, he is responsible for setting out the route. Based on experiences from the previous Tour of North Holland, the route will be adjusted and plotted. “That work starts as early as October, because if you don’t get the permit applications out on time, then you have a problem,” says Fred

Once the route has been approved, Fred will check it. Fred also determines the locations of the aid stations and traffic controllers. Sibel meets Fred the day before the round is held. It’s a busy day for Fred, as he has to place several fork and warning signs on the 100-mile route. And Sibel is happy to lend a helping hand.

On the way to the first fork in Alkmaar, Fred explains why he has been a volunteer at Le Champion for over 30 years. “It’s a very nice organization with great events and it’s a very loyal volunteer group, so I got to know a lot of people.”


In addition to Fred, volunteers are also actively working on the route today. For example, today several ‘pillars’ drive part of the course. Near Zuidschermer, Sibel meets 72-year-old Adrie Nilessen on a bicycle. He shows Sibel what a good pillar looks for and how important work it is.

Adrie hangs up a directional arrow – NH

Fortunately, Nilessen does not have to provide directional signs for all 260 kilometers. It covers about 60 kilometers. But that does not alter the fact that he cycles considerable distances. On the day of the event, he checks the work of a fellow pillar. And the day after the event, he gets to clean up the arrows. All in all he cycles about 160 kilometers.

“Others may be in the gym all day, but I like cycling. And if I’m cycling, I might as well hang up those arrows. I like doing it and it keeps me fit,” says Nilessen with a smile .

In the program Champions Sibel Önemli goes in search of the stories behind the participants in the many sporting events in our province. A healthy lifestyle is paramount here. This program is made in collaboration with Le Champion.

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