No nitrogen for a while: the Agricultural Show should above all be a nice day out

After a mandatory two-year break, it was back to normal. Thousands of people came to Opmeer to enjoy traditional and new parts. There were no protests against the nitrogen policy. “The problem is there, but we can’t solve it here today.”

The visitors are certainly not only farmers, but mainly people who make a day out of it. “I missed it,” says someone from Putten. “I come especially for the horses. You meet each other regularly in the horse world, so it’s nice that this is possible again. Can we chat for a while.”

Chairman Wim Staal saw the people enjoying themselves. “A lot of people are happy to be here again.”


Gerard van den Hengel, the mayor of Opmeer, made his ‘debut’ at the Agricultural Show. As a farmer’s son, he saw the necessary recognition from his youth. “I also raised calves myself and nominated them in the ring.”

He knows the status of the Agricultural Show in his municipality. “I had already heard a lot about it. Even in the profile for recruiting the new mayor, it was discussed extensively. And now that I see it for myself, I think it is really beautiful.”

Reptile Show

Of course the cows, horses, sheep and goats were also present at the 111th edition. They appeared in their Easter best in the ring to be judged. But there was more: there was, among other things, an inspection for alpacas, a horse boarding demonstration and a reptile show. Three children were ‘papered’ with snakes.

Nitrogen is a more than tricky and topical issue, certainly within the agricultural sector. Apart from a single inverted flag and some red handkerchiefs, there was no sign of protest in Opmeer. “We have also asked the organizations for this,” says Staal. “Let’s have a nice day today. The problem with nitrogen is there, but we can’t solve it here today.”
