No new fairy tale on grass: Tim van Rijthoven immediately crashes in Newport | Sport

Tim van Rijthoven was unable to continue his wonderful grass season. The winner of the tournament in Rosmalen, who then reached the fourth round at Wimbledon, lost in Newport against American Mitchell Krueger: 6-7 (7), 6-4 and 3-6.

Van Rijthoven should have played qualifications in Newport, but due to a late cancellation by Jenson Brooksby he was immediately admitted to the main tournament. Home player Krueger, the number 146 in the world, did not want to participate in a new fairy tale on grass.

In the first set, Van Rijthoven quickly fell behind a break, but recovered in time to pull out a tiebreak. Krueger eventually won 9-7.

Also in the second company, the Dutchman recovered from an initial deficit, only to take the set with two breaks. In the third set, however, Krueger did not relinquish a quickly obtained lead.

At Wimbledon, Van Rijthoven could only be stopped by the eventual tournament winner Djokovic a week and a half ago. Because there were no points to be earned at the grand slam tournament in London (due to the exclusion of Russian and Belarusian players), he remained in 103rd place in the world ranking. That is why the Brabander must still score enough points in the coming period to be directly admitted to the US Open at the end of next month.
