“No need to reinvent the wheel”

Finland will face Australia in the opening match of the World Cup tournament.

Lauri Markkanen trusts Finland’s playbook. Jenni Gästgivar

Susijeng’s finishing exercises end with throws from half the field.

Henri Kantonen sinks the ball superbly from 15 meters. The ventilation is in line with that, and it shows the talent scouts that the back man is still useful even in club teams.

At the same time, Susijengi sends a strong message to Australia.

A quarter of an hour later, the team’s heavyweights get on board, when Finland holds the first official press conference of the World Cup final tournament.

The head coach Lassi Tuovi has taken a superstar Lauri Markkanen to accompany him to the basement of the Okinawa Arena.

– I believe that Australia has a lot more pressure. We can start bullying and play unprejudiced as the underdog, the head coach refers to the Boomers’ medal hopes.

– We respect everyone in this block. But at the same time, we are confident enough to know that we can win these matches.

The story continues after the picture

Lassi Tuovi warns about Australia’s passing skills. Jenni Gästgivar

Tuovi reminds us that Australia represents the absolute best in the world in terms of passing skills.

– If you let it feed, and imagine that you are in the game, at some point there will be a pick-up. The skill level of the team is exceptional.

“Good playbook”

Markkanen has trained in hundreds of NBA games. He knows he will be power guarded by the Aussies, but the role of a superstar is to survive it.

– We expect a physically tough match. Australia have great defenders and we have to be prepared for that.

– We only focus on our own attacking game. We don’t need to reinvent the wheel. We have a good playbook, Markkanen confirms.

The only thing certain is that the other team will be disappointed. At the same time, its path to the upper secondary series becomes significantly more difficult.

Susigengi is involved in the death group of the tournament.

– There will certainly be difficult moments. We are going to look for an advantage through the movement of the ball and take advantage of it, Markkanen promises.

Susijeng’s Mikael Jantunen talks about his preparation for the World Championships.
