‘No naino, naino, na’, Laporta and Sala i Martín, little friends

Friendship is very beautiful. The one that unites Joan Laporta and Xavier Sala i Martin comes from afar. This economist in the multicolored jackets was graced by laporta with the position of president of the Management Board that led the club, then member of the economic area, and finally Treasurer.

The board of directors that came later (Sandro Rosell) declared that they received a Barça with a debt of 430 million, plus 80 million losses. But in this world everything is relative. Any bad situation is likely to get even worse. I believe that this is why TV3 has given a new program to Room i Martin (‘El factor clau’, produced by Mediapro), which consists of looking for the most excellent, most successful companies in Catalonia. They said that they would start with Barça, but that has not been the case. They have started with Barça Laporta, which is different It has not been a review of the history of Futbol Club Barcelona as a successful and prestigious company, it has been a ceremony focused on giving television impetus to Laporta, to try to transform him into a hero, a superman and, at the same time, a victim of dark maneuvers.

embraced tenderly, laporta and Room i Martin they recited a story designed for so magnificent an occasion. «Barça is owned by the partner! (..) Cruyff’s principles are still valid! (..) Barça is La Masía, Catalunya and Unicef». Ahh! They have achieved an emotional punch worthy of the great Turkish soap operas. Perhaps they assume that the ‘soci’ of Barça, subjected to a good television suggestion, will commune with mill wheels. could have asked laporta What part of Barça is the ‘soci’ still the owner of, today? Or why it is wrapped in the spirit of Johan Cruyff when your son just left.

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That same day, in the ‘TN vespre’ they told us that the situation is so delicate that laporta has traveled to Doha for «transfer the name of Barça to the Qatar League». In other words, supporting Unicef ​​and Qatari totalitarianism at the same time. This program has also coincided with the closure of Barça TV. Neither laporta Not even his colorful squire has told us a peep about the matter.

TV3 should be moderated with Room i Martin. We already know that he is the star economist of the ‘processisme’. But this thing he just did with Laporta, and paid for with public money, it is blushing. It is even impudent.
