No more NS trains on Sunday evening due to a major technical failure

Travelers at The Hague Central station. The NS calls on travelers to postpone their train journey due to a technical malfunction.Image ANP

The problems started at the end of the morning with a malfunction in an ICT system, says a spokesperson for NS. As a result, the current planning system became disrupted. This system links drivers and conductors to trains. In the event of a calamity, such as a switch failure, the coupling must be replaced.

“That is not happening now and that is necessary to ensure that the trains run properly and safely,” said the spokesperson. Hard work is still being done on solving the ICT problem, she says. “Unfortunately, it is not yet possible to say how long this situation will last.” On Sunday evening around 7 p.m. the news came that NS trains will no longer run on Sunday.

Regional carriers

Trains do run on the routes of the regional carriers, according to the normal timetable. International trains also run. Nevertheless, the NS advises people not to travel by rail. If you are already on the road, you have to find other transport and can plan the trip via the 9292 app.

The outage is causing crowds in several places. ‘It is full of people pacing at Rotterdam Central Station’, says RTV Rijnmond† At the bus station at Amersfoort Central, people are standing in rows, reports RTV Utrecht† There are also long queues in front of the information desks in Utrecht Central Station.

Travelers at Utrecht Central station at the service desk.  Image ANP

Travelers at Utrecht Central station at the service desk.Image ANP

A lot of international travelers are stranded at Amsterdam Central Station, the local broadcaster reports AT5† It would mainly concern people who are on their way to Schiphol or have just come from there.

No buses are being used, the NS reports. ‘Unfortunately, it is not possible to use buses on this scale. It is best to consult with our staff at the station when you are travelling.’

Regional transporter Arriva is still running, but reports on Twitter that buses are overcrowded due to the technical failure at the NS. “Unfortunately, we have to skip stops because of this,” Arriva reports. The carrier speaks of force majeure.

The current travel information is disrupted: the travel planner shows many incorrect travel advice, reports the NS. The information in the screens has been restored at the stations.
