No more entrance test for concert or festival: organizers relieved

Soon you will be able to visit a festival or concert again without having to test for access. The 1G measure will be canceled on Wednesday 23 March, the cabinet has decided. Festival organizers and music venues are relieved.

At events with more than 500 visitors, the partygoers had to show a negative test proof (1G) to show that they do not have corona.

Mijndert Rodolf, spokesperson for 013, is happy that 1G is going overboard. “It’s the end of a very long and complicated period. This makes life a bit easier.” Not all visitors had the same understanding of the rules, says Rodolf.

“Visitors were not thrilled. They also did not understand why they could enter a busy cafe to party, especially at carnival, and had to test with us first. So we are happy with the abolition.”

The 3FM Awards are scheduled for Thursday 24 March in 013, Bløf will come a day later. “So those are the first performances where you can enter without a threshold. As it should be and as you want as a pop stage,” says Rodolf.

Johan Dortmans, board member of Front of House, the Brabant partnership of dance festivals and suppliers in Brabant, is also happy.

“In recent weeks, many people did not show up at various festivals: sometimes as much as 30 percent. The organizers do not know why they stayed away, but the visitors may not have wanted to be tested or it took too long.”

They had paid for their ticket, but festival organizers cannot survive on ticket sales alone. “You also have to rely on the turnover of food and drinks. That is budgeted and then you miss it. We are therefore very happy that the corona rules have been abolished. The way to beautiful festivals is completely open again. Every week that it is longer lasted, it was one too many for our industry.”
