No longer going to GGD after positive self-test | 1Limburg

After a positive self-test, people no longer have to go to the GGD from Monday to be tested whether they have actually been infected with corona.

Self-testing is becoming the norm, but a GGD test remains possible for healthcare personnel or vulnerable people who cannot perform a self-test.

Test proof
A GGD test is also available to obtain proof that someone has recovered from corona, which may be necessary for traveling abroad.

Citizens Responsibility
The Ministry of Health wants to place more responsibility on citizens themselves. There will be a ‘self-care advice’ that states, among other things, what exactly you should do after a positive corona test, or if you test negative but still have complaints. The ministry emphasizes that it is still necessary to go into isolation in case of a positive self-test.

Also read: Another decrease in corona infections: almost halved

Number of tests decreased
The number of people who went to the GGD for a test has been declining recently. Last Tuesday, the number of GGD tests had already fallen by about a third compared to a week earlier. The government wants to largely phase out the test streets of the GGD. Now that people no longer have to go there, the government wants to keep an eye on the spread of the corona virus by checking sewage water, random sampling and hospital admissions.

Since Saturday, the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) has stopped reporting figures on the number of positive corona tests on weekends and public holidays.
