No license for Hoa and Cuong to sell spring rolls at Schoorl’s restaurant

Hoa and Cuong are not allowed to put their spring roll stand in the parking lot of restaurant Liberté in Schoorl. They do not receive the permit they applied for from the municipality: a stand is not allowed there according to the rules. And with that, the future of the beloved couple from Schoorl remains uncertain.

The decision of the municipality is yet another downer for the couple who once fled from Vietnam, and for years had a place on the Oorsprongweg in Schoorl to spend their popular spring rolls to wear out. With that they supplemented their AOW which is not very high in the Netherlands because of their ‘short time’. Hoa therefore also works behind the cash register at a supermarket in Bergen.

Parking spot

Their first location was suddenly raffled off by the municipality after years and ended up with someone else. They had to leave, and that caused a stir in the neighbourhood. There was a huge line of people as Huo and Cuong baked their last spring rolls here.

And so the couple looked for a new place. It was offered to them by Jeroen Klepper of restaurant Liberté. “It is so harrowing. I said: stand up, I don’t need anything for it.”

Because Hoa and Cuong wanted certainty, they asked for a parking permit On. After months of waiting, the municipality has now announced that this is not possible according to the zoning plan.

“We also looked at whether it could be done temporarily, but this would be at the expense of parking spaces,” said alderman Marco Wiesehahn. “That is not desirable in view of the local parking pressure. The permit would also set a precedent for others.”

Old site empty

The municipality says it is looking at alternative solutions with Hoa and Cuong. Meanwhile, their old place on the Oorsprongweg still remains empty. The new location holder has not yet shown up, local residents have informed NH. The municipality says that “they expect it to be taken soon.”
