“No job, no one at home”

Jorma Uotinen talks about the period in the program when his and Helena Lindgren’s relationship had already ended.

The song of my life – program was visited on Saturday, October 21 by dance legend Jorma Uotinen, 73. He had chosen his life as his song Arja Saijonmaan I can come to you (Caruso)which the artist himself performed in the program.

At the end of the episode, Uotinen revealed why he ended up choosing that song. In his story, he goes back to 2001, when his ten-year term as the director of the National Ballet had ended.

– I didn’t have a job, and no one at home because of my long relationship by Helena Lindgren with had ended. I wonder if I’m still needed and if I’m good enough or if I’m good for anything, he said in the episode.

Soon Uotinen was contacted by the Gothenburg Opera House, where he was offered the position of ballet director. After visiting the place, the man stated that he had no motivation for the wash in question.

– I walked the streets of Gothenburg in the pouring rain and asked what I was doing here, Uotinen said.

Jorma Uotinen recalls a dark time in his life in the Elämäni biisi program. ATTE KAJOVA

In his story, Uotinen returned from his walk to the hotel and turned on the television, which happened to be playing the song in question sung by Saijonmaa. The story landscape of the song is Italy, which reminded Uotinen of his and Helena’s travels together.

– I remembered those days and the happy times that were once spent there with Helena for 15 years. At the same time, the phone rang: It was the director of the Kuopio tansii ja soi festival. He offered me the position of artistic director of the festival, Uotinen said.

– I was so out of my depth that I said right there that yes, I’m coming, he continued.

Uotinen described that moment as one of the most significant turning points in his life.

– I got the feeling again that now I’m breathing again and I caught something new, he finished his story.

Finally, Uotinen revealed that last summer he went to Naples Bay with Lindgren after 20 years. He describes Lindgren as his good friend today.

Uotinen and Lindgren were a curious and followed couple in public when they were dating. They worked a lot together when Lindgren worked as a make-up artist in several of Uotinen’s productions. The couple announced their separation in July 1999. The couple’s relationship lasted 18 years. In his 2020 Jorma biography, Uotinen has described his former lover as a lifelong friend.

The Elämäni biisi program can be watched on Yle TV1 or Yle Areena on Saturdays at 9 p.m.
