No independent trace in the Boat Show

The youngest newspaper of the 25 that to date make up the Prensa Ibérica publishing group celebrated its first anniversary in Madrid. I mean The Newspaper of Spain. Oblivious to the debacle of the following day, Barça was discussed on the spot. They did it, the autonomous president Guillermo Fernández Vara and the journalist of this house, Juan Cruz. Two staunch Catalans who at that time were convinced of the Barça victory. So much so that Cruz predicted a three to one and Fernández Vara bet on a tight victory. To all this, the minister of culture and sports appeared, Miquel Iceta, who lives enchanted in the capital. There is not a day that I do not go to a cultural event and on top of that he can show off his chest for having presented the highest budget since 2009. I understand now that he did not contemplate even for an instant listening to the possibility of being a candidate for the municipal elections for Barcelona. While Iceta joked about his lack of knowledge of soccer, the Minister of Transport, Raquel Sánchez, also became interested in the conversation. Perhaps she did it to forget the daily problems that commuter trains in Barcelona give her so many headaches. Of course, if there is a minister who shows her face, this is Raquel Sánchez. There is not a day that she does not appear on live radio to apologize, justify or give her version of the Catalan railway chaos. By the way, the minister, who has soccer-loving children, was, according to fashion experts, one of the most elegant at the National Holiday reception that was held a day later at the Royal Palace.

On the first anniversary of El Periódico de España, apart from the aforementioned ministers, there were five presidents of autonomous communities, mayors, businessmen such as the president of Mercadona, Juan Roig or that of Mapfre, Antonio Huertas, and a good number of Catalans living in Madrid. From the delegate of the Government of the Generalitat, Esther Capella, who attended instead of Pere Aragonés, the Corporate Director of Communication of the ‘La Caixa’ Foundation, Jesús Nemesio Arroyo González, or the Director of Communication and Corporate Marketing of Repsol, Marcos Fraga. In short, a remarkable act of a young but consolidated newspaper that is successfully directed by Gemma Robles and of which the president of Prensa Ibérica, Javier Moll, highlighted that it is an ambitious, fresh, unfettered, plural and different newspaper. rest of the national journalistic panorama.

The King at the Boat Show

Highlights of the presence of King Felipe VI at the inauguration of the Boat Show this thursday was official photo. In addition to the president of the hall, Louis Countand the president of the Fair, Pau Relatthe rest were from PSOE, PSC or linked to them. In other words, they posed, on one side, the government delegate, Maria Eugènia Gay, along with the active minister Raquel Sánchez and on the other the monarch, Jaume Collboni and Salvador Illa. The question is that how Aragonés and Colau prefer not to appear in the photo with the King, his place was taken by the candidates for the Generalitat and the City Council. In other words, Collboni held the position of the mayor and Salvador Illa that of the president of the Generalitat. Well, that, for a moment no trace of independentist Catalonia.

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