No historic nave for Potsdam Garrison Church

The Potsdam city council has approved the compromise negotiated by Lord Mayor Mike Schubert (SPD) to preserve the data center next to the rebuilt tower of the Garrison Church in the city center with a narrow majority.

In the late Wednesday evening vote, there were 27 yes votes, 20 no votes and a few abstentions, as city spokesman Jan Brunzlow confirmed on Thursday. There has been a bitter dispute over the reconstruction of the former military church for years.

A study is now to be carried out to examine how the data center from GDR times, which is currently being used as a creative house, can be largely retained and, with an extension, used as a “House of Democracy” with a new plenary hall for the city councillors. This would rule out the possibility of rebuilding the historic nave. The city wants to negotiate with the Garrison Church Foundation about a heritable building right for the property.

“It was clear to me that finding a compromise in which everyone had to leave their previous positions would be very difficult,” said Schubert on Thursday. “I can only ask everyone to work together on the feasibility study now.”

The foundation, which is running the reconstruction of the church tower, welcomed the decision. “This offers an opportunity for a jointly designable procedural and participation process, from which a strong forum for democracy and history can emerge,” the foundation said.

The Garrison Church was badly damaged in World War II and blown up in 1968 at the behest of the GDR leadership. Several initiatives, including Christian ones, are opposed to the ongoing reconstruction of the garrison church tower.

Opponents see the historic building as a symbol of militarism and a meeting place for right-wing movements in the 1920s and 1930s. They also commemorate the “Day of Potsdam” when on March 21, 1933 President Hindenburg shook hands with the new Chancellor Hitler in front of the church.


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