No heat in the apartment? That’s not how you treat people!

Marta Kniaz (69, right) has had no hot water in her apartment for a year and a half.  BZ editor Andra Fischer comments

Marta Kniaz (69, right) has had no hot water in her apartment for a year and a half. BZ editor Andra Fischer comments Photo: Christian Lohse / BZ assembly

By Andra Fischer

The gas boiler in the apartment of a 69-year-old pensioner has been broken for 18 months. It is a combination device that provides a heated apartment and hot water.

It was cold for the pensioner in Reinickendorf for two winters. If she wants to wash herself, she heats water on the stove. If she wants to take a shower, she goes to her son, who fortunately lives close by.

The landlord does not want to pay for the repair costs and simply leaves the woman hanging. She is also happy about her apartment. 430 euros in rent – ​​she can still pay it somehow from her small 800 euros pension.

How can you treat a tenant like that? That’s bad. And certainly not an isolated case.


Heating costs tenant pensioner
