No extra money for rail and road in the North

Traffic deputy Vedelaar is not hopeful after yesterday’s traffic debate. “We all say that things have to be different,” says Vedelaar. “Investment is necessary. People must be able to take the train to work, study or hospital.”

According to Vedelaar, the cabinet is now criticizing the province, because that is where the nitrogen issue lies. “They say that we have to solve that first and that only then can we look at how the infrastructure can be solved,” says the deputy. “They just use it as an excuse. It’s a financial issue. It just suits them that nitrogen is locking things up.”

The State Secretary has already signed a piece of financing for the Lower Saxony line. “I’m going to keep him to that. “What’s next for Vedelaar is not yet clear. “The minister laughed about a new distribution method of money when it comes to Randstad versus region and that makes my pants drop. We have to solve this problem together.”

The cabinet wants to invest the money first in tackling maintenance and overdue maintenance of existing infrastructure, which will probably mainly concern roads and bridges and less about the railway.
