No Easter bump inspection: is the tradition lost?

The hump between Sleen and Erm is not the only ‘junk hump’ in Drenthe. After two silent corona years, ‘t Aol Volk does not approve a single Easter bump this year. “You hear from left and right that it is difficult to get people together who are really going to build,” explains Croesen.

“We also hear that it was difficult for many clubs to get good pruning wood. And with the regulations regarding nitrogen and the environment, it is also becoming more and more difficult. So people are a bit more reserved,” says Croesen.

Inspecting the Easter bumps is a real tradition. And that is exactly what the Drenthe association ‘t Aol Volk wants to monitor. “As an association, we want to maintain its tradition in all facets – including the Easter fire. A bit in the form it used to be, and that it remains. That is the goal.”

The fact that building a good Easter bump is not an easy task is apparent from all the points that the inspectors pay attention to. The hump should be of nice wood, so that it is nicely stacked. The cleanliness around the bump is important. The shape, both the height and the width must be right.

“And on top they can score extra with a beautiful maypole. And what used to be the tar barrel is beautifully portrayed. They get points on all those facets,” says Croesen.

‘t Aol Volk does not leave it at that, according to the club you should not just throw traditions overboard. “We really hope that clubs will become enthusiastic again, just like us. We will also do our best to make that happen.”

Croesen says that his association will regularly approach clubs in the coming period to rekindle the Easter fire among the builders. “That competition among themselves, that remains a really nice thing,” Croesen smiles.
