No decision on extra money at Eelde airport after controversial statements from Leefbaar Tynaarlo

The Tynaarlo city council has not discussed the budget of Groningen Airport Eelde (GAE). Leefbaar Tynaarlo’s statements about construction sites for parade floats at the airport cause dissatisfaction.

Alderman Jurryt Vellinga (Leefbaar Tynaarlo) is not happy with the disappearance of the construction places, just like Leefbaar councilor Marcel Elzerman. She shared their concerns previously in DVHN. Vellinga hoped to persuade airport director Meiltje de Groot to give space to the Hooiweg-Zuid corso district for the last time this year, but his attempt turned out to be in vain: the airport says it needs the space as a parking lot.

During the council meeting, Elzerman expressed his doubts about investing more public money in the airport, which is asking for an additional amount of 16,000 euros to balance the budget for 2023. “We invest a lot of money in GAE. The airport takes and takes, but gives nothing in return.”

Colored decisions

According to VVD council member Jan Smits, the statements made by Elzerman and Vellinga clash with the distance and objectivity that can be expected from administrators. “We understand that emotions play a role here, but we do not want decisions made by this council to be colored by that.”

He wants the council to only talk further once questions from the CDA about Alderman Vellinga’s statements have been clarified. That party wants to know whether the alderman has linked a contribution from the municipality to making the construction sites available.

A majority of the city council supported the proposal of the VVD. The contribution to GAE will therefore be discussed substantively on 4 April.
