‘No, concert does not deserve a 10’

Bas Smit still shows self-reflection after the failed end of his Amsterdam Summer concert. He admits that his event definitely does not deserve a 10. “It was, say, a 9.8.”


Until now he only did it behind the scenes, but now Bas Smit is also there on cam jumped out of his influencer skin. Two weeks ago he was very angry about the criticism of his Amsterdam Summer concert. Bas’s planner was apparently behind the scenes for pampus, because everything went really well.

Not 10 but 9.8

The planning was so bad that the last performing artist, André Hazes Jr., was ruthlessly cut off in the middle of his song. Very amateurish, of course, and it is logical that the press turns up, especially since the previous edition of Bas’s concert had already failed completely. But Bass himself? They were pissed off about that.

Is Bas so bad against criticism? Nothing is less true. The over-aged influencer now shows self-reflection. He does not give his concert a 10. “It was, say, a 9.8, except for those last two minutes. That was really fun. And Saturday was a 10 out of 10. That was really great,” he responds to Radio 538.

Very nervous

Why was Bas so angry about the criticism? “I’m not going to lie: I’ve rarely been as nervous as that weekend in my life, because if you got that shit cart over you last year – and rightly so, because a lot of things just weren’t right – then you just go with squeezing buttocks to such a show. But then everything goes great.”

He continues: “I have been tasting all that wine to see if it was cold. And then at the end… It was still great, but a crazy ending. Really crazy ending. Then it says somewhere: ‘Wrong again’, and: ‘Failed the plank!’ That hurt me so much. Not so much for me, but there were just a thousand people.”

The teeth

Thousand people? “We had such a ridiculous amount of people working because we no longer wanted anyone to say that the wait was too long. There were just a thousand men working who have worked their teeth. If it says: ‘Failed the plank’, while it was so great…”

Bas is pissed about that. “Fortunately, we received a lot of support from all visitors who thought it was a world evening and: ‘The press is wrong about that.’ But there were just fourteen journalists calling, camera crews, ANP, I don’t know what all. They were all ready and the next day, Saturday, it was just 10 out of 10 and then no one called or texted me like: ‘How nice.’”

Still in line

What does sidekick Jelte van der Goot think of it all? Oh, he just missed the beginning of the interview. “I was actually still standing in line for drinks from last year.”

Bas laughs like a farmer with a toothache: “There were no queues at all now, there was all cold wine. The outflow also went very well.”

Frank Dane teasingly: “And André Hazes not so long. Also tasty.”

Bas: “Yes, at one point I thought: now it’s done, pull the plug, but that was not appreciated. haha. No, no, Dré didn’t deserve that, but it was just bad luck.”

Good news

All in all, Bas cannot accept media reality and that is why he is only a channel with nothing but Good news started. With your head in the sand, just reading messages about a goat rescued from a tree and Dries Roelvink showing his Speedo collection. And about Bas and Nicolette themselves of course. That everything is fantastic.

Frank teasingly: “So you want a channel where there’s all good news about you?”

Bas: “No, I don’t want anything about me at all. It’s not mine either, I’m not going to do it at all.”

Frank: “And if it [concert] If it doesn’t work, can it still be placed?”

Bas: “No, because then it’s not good news, right? Jeez, Frank!”
