No changes after recounting votes Heerlen | 1Limburg

Recounting all 30,558 votes cast in Heerlen during municipal elections did not result in any changes in the result.

The recount produced exactly the same result as on election night. This will not change the seat distribution.

Uncertainty had arisen about the result, because at a number of polling stations there were differences between the votes written down by hand on the counting lists and the results that had been transmitted digitally. That was the case at four of the 61 polling stations.

residual seat
Although these were minor differences, the Elderly Party, VVD, Party for the Animals and the City Party requested a recount. This was particularly interesting for the latter two parties, because of the distribution of the remaining seats. For the Stadspartij it was 9 votes, for the PvdD it was 20 votes and they had had an extra seat.

No doubt
Because, according to mayor Roel Wever, the result of the elections should be certain without any doubt, he decided on Monday to recount. That happened on Wednesday in the Bernardinus chapel, which temporarily serves as a council chamber.

The results of the municipal elections in Heerlen will be definitively determined on Thursday.
